Monday, April 19, 2010

We Love Our Earth

Please join us Saturday May 1st to celebrate Earth Day
(which is this Thursday April 22)
and help out our environment a little!

We will be decorating reusable totes! These will be great to use at the grocery store, the library, and countless other situations!

We will also be collecting plastic grocery sacks that we will take to a local grocery store to be recycled. Please ask your neighbors, family, friends, teachers and anyone else you can think of for their grocery sacks (that they don't want or need). If you are unable to make it you can still collect grocery sacks in your neighborhood and drop them off at our house to be recycled. We want to see how many bags we can collect!

So get collecting bags and lets see how much we can help our Earth!

Please meet at Roni Miller's house at 10:30 am on Saturday May 1st.

Please bring a tote to decorate! You can find blank totes at Michael's, Hobby Lobby, and other craft stores.
You are welcome to bring multiple totes to decorate if you'd like!

We will have paints, stencils, and other decorating supplies for the totes!

Also. . . don't forget to bring those plastic grocery bags!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Roni we will be out of town. Sounds like fun!
